Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Fifteen #14

This Friday, I thought it would be a hoot to list all the cleaning supplies I use when I clean Casa Bowen.

BTW, Here's my weekly household chores: (I rarely deviate, except on Fridays, sometimes I just do all the floor stuff on Thursday!)

MONDAY: Kitchen; clean stove, microwave, fridge, any appliance used or will be used (inside and out) Wipe down counters with disinfectant. Empty trash ("The Hubby" does this) I also change linens and wash, dry, fold, put away last week's linens.

TUESDAY: Dusting; Living room, dining room, bedrooms, hall and office. Polish the t.v. screens, mirrors (not in bathrooms) and the computer monitor. I clean the patio doors and front glass door every other week. Launder and dry "white clothes". fold/hang and put away.

WEDNESDAY: Bathrooms; Polish mirrors, disinfect sinks, scrub toilets (inside * out), drop in a bleach tablet in the toilet's back (once a month), dust knick knacks, Scrub bathtub walls, Wipe down sides, bottom of tub, scrub bath mat, polish faucets and shower head. Refill lotion/soap dispensers. Inventory personal care items. Empty trash. Refill toilet paper as needed. Sweep and mop floors. In the evening, after sunset, I water outside plants. Launder, dry, fold/hang and put away "bath" laundry.

THURSDAY: Floors; Shake out all rugs in house. Sweep and mop (3 times) kitchen and dining room. Sweep and mop (3 times) powder room and foyer. Vacuum living room, stairs, office, our bedroom and hallway. Sweep patios and front porch. Launder, dry, fold/hang and put away dark clothes.

FRIDAY: Finish up any other chores that may need to be done. Finish any "unfinished" laundry. Run errands, have lunch with Daddy-Bob, get ready for "date night".


And below is my "Friday Fifteen" list, with pictures, of the cleaning products I use each week:

1. Ammonia (mix with 1/2 cup warm water for mopping floors).

2. Pledge (Spray on duster or directly on wooden surfaces to trap dust).

3. Broom (on the porch and patios).4. Shark(r) cordless sweeper (for inside "sweeping").
5. Bleach (pour directly into toilet bowl and use toilet brush to clean bowl).6. SURF (for all that laundry!)

7. Pine-Sol (an all-over cleaner, I usually use this in the kitchen).

8. Scrub Free Cleaner (I use this in the shower and on my bathroom sinks).
9. I use these EVERYWHERE! (perfect for cooked on grease, soap scum and those hard to get up spills).

10. Sponges (I use these when "mopping" the bathroom floors. On my hands and knees, because my mop won't work so well in the tight corners. (The picture wouldn't load, so I deleted it!)

11. Mop (On the floors everywhere but the bathrooms).

(The rest of my cleaning arsenal, I couldn't find online pics for! SORRY!)

12. The works(r) sink and vanity cleaner (comes in a purple bottle and can only be found at the Dollar Tree....I have 7 bottles of it. It's wonderful!)

13. My duster (it's orange "wool" with a black handle...I love it!)

14. H2O (This is the most basic cleaner in the world....It's also good to drink with ice when you're hot!)

15. Incense (I burn this at the end of the day. It's calming and soothing. I know when I smell it, I'm done for the day. Ahhhhhhh...

Boy, I'm tired just from typing this... (Oh, and it took me 3 hours (I did it during breaks!) )

Happy weekend, all!


Marianne Arkins said...

I love the Mr. Clean erasers -- they're amazing!

BTW, the link you posted at FF has a typo and won't work - it says "blogspor" instead of "blogspot".

Happy Friday!

Jenn in Holland said...

Wow Jennie-
You are so organized and so clean! Could you come round here and help around this house too? Nah, if you came, we wouldn't clean we would just sit and chat!
I am impressed though. My weekly cleaning list consists of "make a chore list for the kids and put them to work!" Hahaha! They love it. (NOT)