Friday, May 18, 2007
No particular order here, just complied for your viewing pleasure. I KNOW I have thousands of memories, but the ones listed here are just what popped into my mind just now. ENJOY! (If you do enjoy my list, leave me a comment letting me know!
1. The birth of my baby sister, Candice. This is one of my earliest memories. I remember we lived in a single-wide trailer, my mom had long hair and my daddy was "proud as a peacock"! Here's a picture of my sister and I goofing off. She's one of my very, best friends!
2. The day I met Mike. My family and I tagged along with our pastor (Mike's brother) to Mike's birthday lunch. I walked up to Mike, gave him a hug (as is my custom) and wished him a very happy birthday. The rest, as they say, is history.
3. The day I learned to drive. My daddy (Bob) taught me. He has to be one of the bravest men in the world! And I wasn't one of the "quickest" learners either. God bless my Daddy (Bob).
4. The day my I married Michael. It was 5 years ago, next Friday! I felt so beautiful. My Daddy whispered to me, just before he escorted me down the aisle,"You'll always be Daddy's little girl and I think you are so beautiful. Daddy loves and is so proud of you." Well, if that wasn't a beautiful memory, I don't know what would be.
5. The day I found out my mother had breast cancer. Never in our family. Never any indication. Not there one day, there the next. With chemotherapy, a lumpectomy and hundreds of prayers, Gea-Mom kicked it's butt and was so graceful through all of it. She's DEFINITELY my biggest hero!
6. The day I walked without my walking stick. I had a stroke and my ability to walk was totally gone. My balance was affected by my stroke, so I had to be in a wheelchair, then a walker, then with a walking stick. (All at 25!) After 2 months of therapy, outside the rehab center, I learned to walk again. Now, I still can't run, but I can walk. Praise God!
7. The day Mike and I got Cleo. We got her at the Humane Society. She was so scared of her new surroundings, that she ran up the chimney. Needless to say, she was covered in soot, as was the living room. Crazy Cleo-head!
8. The night Steven proposed to Candice. Gea-Mom & Bob were having dinner with us. 3 miles away, Steven popped the question. Everyone in the family knew, but Candice. When they got to our house, she'd cried so much, her face was swollen and puffy. Steven looked like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders. I, of course, snapped a pic:

9. The day Mike's father passed away. Despite what all Pop had done through the years, his passing hurt Mike and I. He was a WWII vet, a domino champ and a former book press operator. He passed away March 5, 2007 (My parent's anniversary).
10. My parent's 30th wedding anniversary. They renewed their wedding vows with Candice & I as bridesmaids and Mike & Steven as groomsmen. It was wonderful celebrating my parent's sincere love for one another. Their "first" wedding was March 5, 1976, their "second" was March 5, 2006.
11. Candice and Steven's wedding. This was such a happy time for Steven's family and ours. The feeling I had, as Candice's Matron of Honor, is indescribable. Happiness, sadness, pride, etc. It was one of the happiest/saddest moments of my life. Dateline: February 17, 2007.
12. My wedding day. I remember walking around the corner of the entrance of the garden, with my daddy. Mike started crying and I have never seen him look the way he did that day. I will never forget it. There was a sense of pride/sadness/longing that's so hard to describe if you've never felt it. My husband is my life and I love him more and more everyday of my life, but I will never feel the way I did about him in that one instant. Indescribable.
13. The day I found out there are cysts on both my ovaries. I thought "will I be able to conceive?". I do not ovulate monthly, but I am certain Mike and I will have a baby one day, it will just take a little more work for us. God decides when and how, so I won't worry about it.
14. The day I became a vegetarian. We were watching a tape in Science class (I was in Jr. high). It was about our food and where it comes from. There was a picture of a cow happily chewing some grass, he was loaded onto a truck and in the next scene a girl was eating a hamburger. I asked a boy I was sitting next to what had happened. He told me. That was 15 years ago and I haven't eating meat since.
15. Last year's anniversary trip. We stayed in a bed & breakfast in Birmingham called The Cobb Lane Bed & Breakfast.
Here's a link to their website:
It was an antebellum home complete with antiques and several "period" furnishings. We stayed in the Rose Room. It was the most romantic anniversary we've ever had....
Like I said, this list is from the "top of my head". Not all "happy" memories, some are kinda sad, but my life has been shaped by every one.
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