Friday, May 18, 2007

Jen on her Soapbox

Okay, I'm fixing to go off! (you've been warned!)
Today, my Daddy (Bob), picked me up to go to lunch. It's a Friday tradition I look forward to all week. Despite the fact that I'm a vegetarian, Bob ALWAYS allows me to decide where we go. He's the "World's Best Daddy", bar none.
If you knew my father, you'd know he is one of the most Godly men ever. He's humble, a hard worker, an excellent "family man", and DEFINITELY a snazzy dresser :)! He goes out of his way to do right....although he'd vehemently deny this all day long. He is one of the best examples to ALL men out your wife/children/in-laws/fellow Christians, do what you can for all of God's children and let your life be the witness for God that no one can deny.
Anywho, Bob told me today that he got a citation for the shading on his truck's windows. He bought Merv (a white, 2004 Toyota Tacoma) about a year ago, I think. When he bought the truck, the dealer didn't say the first thing about the shading being to dark. Plus, I know of at least a dozen folks who have shading the exact same shading on their vehicles and the police have NEVER stopped them!
The thing is, if Bob knew there was a problem with the shading, he would have had it corrected PRONTO! There's no way he would've maliciously drove around with illegal shading on his vehicle. He's just not that kind of person. The cop didn't give Bob a warning, either. He wrote him a ticket! Not only will Bob have to pay the ticket, he'll have to pay to get the shading removed AND his insurance will go up. It's just a bunch of offal!!
AND I can guar-dern-tee you that if you were to go into any random parking lot, there would be at least several dozen cars with darker shading than Bob's. With rapes, murders and theft running rampant in our world, shading (you can clearly SEE though) doesn't seem to be a big crime.
I don't want to sound like my family and myself are "above" being cited. We're definitely not. All I ask is for equal treatment. As we were driving to lunch, I know I saw SEVERAL vehicles with much darker shading than ours. It just REALLY sticks in my craw. Why didn't the dealer check to make sure the shading was legal? And why has it taken almost 2 years to suddenly realize there was a problem? Bob drives Merv to work EVERYDAY!
Any thoughts on this situation?