Friday, May 18, 2007

(I think I did last week's Five on Friday by mistake....oops!)
Here are this week's questions:
May Flowers

1. What are your favorite kinds of flowers? I had stargazer lilies and white roses at my wedding. (Along with Stephanois, of course!) They are my favorites.

2. Do you have any cut flowers in your home or office right now? What kinds? Unfortunately, no I do not. I have silk roses from my sister's wedding in February and 8-10 peace lilies blooming.

3. Are you growing/planting any live flowers inside or outside your home? Yes! What kinds and where? I have 4 peace lilies in my dining room and they're blooming right now. I have inpatients (fuchsia & white), and two other flowers blooming on my walk way (I'm unsure of their names). One is yellow and the other is off-white.

4. Which flowers do you associate with specific people, places, or events? Lilies are my friend Cindy and myself. Carnations are my BFF, Monica. My sister, Candice is rose. My grandmoma, whose name is Daisy, is, of course, daisys. My mother is an orchid. Weeping willows remind me of ASF (Alabama Shakespeare Festival). Lilies remind me of my wedding. Hydrangeas remind me of my mother and sister; our last girl's day out!.

5. When was the last time you were given flowers as a gift? My husband got me a dozen lilies for Valentine's day. Lilies are, of course, my favorite!