Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hi everyone! Let's mind hump! Today is Great Northern Beans Day, so we'll just go ahead and use tomorrow's theme - Official Thank You Day.

1. What is your favorite song with "Thank You" or "Thanks" in the title?

"Thank You" by sister, Candice, told me it reminded her of me. (THAT was before Steven..) Anyway, that song is the reason I bought the CD with that song on it!

2. Who do you want to thank, and why?

I would have to say my bff Monica. No matter what's going on in my life, or her's, she is always there for me with a wink, an encouraging word and a hug that makes me feel so much better. I know one cannot choose their family, but I would DEFINITELY choose her!

Check out Wednesday Mind Hump for a cool, fun meme on Wednesday!