Thursday, May 10, 2007

3 x Thursday for 5/10/07

3x Thursday: 05/10/y2k+7: On Your Mind

Name and describe 3 things on your mind lately. Is there any particular reason why you're thinking about a particular thing?

1.) I know it's vain, but I've been going to the gym lately and I really like the way my calves and biceps are looking. I've never really worked out my legs much and now I think I like the way they're looking. They actually have a slight definition and I'm liking it. (& I think Mike is, too!)

2.) I am thinking of my mother (Gea-Mom). Because it's mother's day Sunday, there was a commercial, I think it was for J C Penny's ?, anyway, it's of a woman walking down the sidewalk with her young daughter, holding her hand. The daughter lets go of her hand and runs off with her "friends". Then the daughter grows up from a teenager, into a young woman. The entire time the mother is right behind her. She then walks with a young man, then with a little girl of her own, holding her hand. The mother, older now, then takes the child's other hand and all three of them walk down the sidewalk. It fades to black and "Happy Mother's Day" flashes across the screen. Sappy? Maybe. Emotional. Definitely. Did I like & appreciate? You bet ya! Here's the link to the commerical on YouTube:

WARNING! You may need tissue, I did!

My Beautiful Gea-Mom

3.) I am thinking of how beautiful it is outside. Sunny, warm and not too humid. The sky's a beautiful blue. The flowers and trees are blooming out. The birds are chirping and feasting on the chow I threw out for them. Cleo (& Mike and I) enjoying the patios. It's lovely just being out in God's creation. I am so blessed just to be alive to enjoy it! Thank You, GOD!
Right outside my front door