Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Here I am, New Year's Eve, with my bff (since 7th grade!) Monica and her hubby, Brian. I don't know if we were "3 sheets in the wind" here, but I sure look that way!

Here are Mike and our friend Joey, going over the intricate details of the manual (crank POWER!) flashlight Joey gave Mike for Christmas.

Here is Joey modeling the "SUPADRAWS" we gave him for Christmas. GOD! I love him soooooo much!

Monica and Brian playing "Cross-County Racing" on Joey's new PS Wii. *Note the intense concentration!*

Here, we have Mike assuming the position for "EXTREME BOXING" with Joey....

And here is our friend, Cindy (cina mina buns) with her main squeeze Jason! (They are the cutest, sweetest couple...beside Mike and I...of COURSE :) )