Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Greater Tuna" or bust!

Yesterday, I spent the better part, OK ALL, of the afternoon interviewing at Kelly Services. I have been informed that what I do here around the house "isn't a job, since you don't get paid".


Anywho, when I FINALLY got home, at 4:30 (I'd been there since 1:30) there was a card stuck in the corner of the door.

When I opened the card, there was a lovely "Happy Anniversary" card inside for Mike and I. My parents also got us two tickets for "Greater Tuna", a play performed at Faulkner University's dinner theatre. I've ALWAYS wanted to go the Faulkner's dinner theatre, but never have!

Here's the synopsis that I found on Faulkner's website:

Greater Tuna is the hilarious comedy about Texas' third smallest town, where the Lion's Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies. The eclectic band of citizens that make up this town are portrayed by only two performers, making this satire on life in rural America even more delightful as they depict all of the inhabitants of Tuna -- men, women, children and animals.
If it's good, which I'm sure it will be, I plan on going back at least every other month. Narnia will be performed next and that sounds like a "Girl's Night Out" to me! Dinner AND a play for only $22? Sign ME up!
The show is Friday, our anniversary, so I'll let ya know how it turns out. I'm so freakin' excited! YAY!