Friday, May 11, 2007

The fun never ends....

Man, it's just been a crazy past few days for the Jen.

Tuesday morning, I went shopping for Mother's Day. Mike asked me to do so Monday night. I picked up some goodies, but we'll be getting our Moms some flowers Saturday night so they won't wilt.

Anywho, I went to the Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart and The Dollar General Store (because we're poor...OK!?!!)

When I walked out of the Dollar Tree, a man held the door for me so I could get my cumbersome buggy out. I looked up and said "Thanks so much!" I would've said this to ANYONE! So, then I drove over to Wal-Mart, at the other end of the shopping center. I went inside and got some goodies for our Mommies.

When I got back into the car, I noticed this stuck under my windshield wiper:

Needless to say, I was a little "taken off guard". I quickly got into the car, rolled up the windows, locked the doors and high-tailed it to The Dollar General Store(5 miles away).

I wasn't "coming on" to this guy. I wasn't dressed provocatively. I wasn't trying to be sexy. For God's sake, I had on work-out shorts, a t-shirt, no make-up and my hair was in a ponytail (I'd just stopped by there on my way back from the gym!)

I showed it to Mike and he said not to worry. Homeboy was probably just lonely and me saying "Thank you", got him horny.....Some guys!

So, then, Wednesday, instead of going to the gym at 9 or 10, like usual, I went at 11:30. It was less crowded and it think I'll start going that time everyday....

Anyway, on the way home, I decided I wanted a Roly Poly sandwich for lunch. The Roly Poly restaurant is about 2 miles from our condo.

So, I grabbed my wallet and stuck it in my pocket, I didn't feel like lugging my purse inside. I ordered my favorite: A Spinach Salad Stuffer with extra mustard with no drink, I have bottled water here at home.

So, I get back to my car, sandwich in a baggie at my side, and notice my keys are still in the ignition. My purse is in the floorboard on the passenger's side, right next to my gym bag. When I go to the gym, I put my cell phone in my gym bag and I lock my purse in the trunk. Wednesday was no exception. I was locked out of my car!!!

I went back inside and asked to use the phone. I was going to call my hubby but I don't know Mike's work number, because it's programmed in my cell phone. I never bothered to memorize it...when am I EVER without my cell phone, right? So I thought I'd call my dad. He works about 5 miles away and he has a spare set of keys to my car, for emergencies. I called him three different times, before I sat down to eat (AFTER purchasing a drink for $1.29...RIDICULOUS!) in the middle of my sandwich and once more after I finished eating. He was apparently in a meeting or something. I never did get in touch with him....

So, I decided to walk home. It was only 87 degrees with a 27% humidity, after all. I was in dire straights....

I walked the 2 miles to my house, which doesn't seem like a lot, but in the heat of the day, it's aggravating. When I got here, I used our "hidden" key to get inside. I drank a ton of water, pulled off my shoes and emailed Mike at work regarding the absence of my car in our parking lot when he got home.

After he got home, Wednesday evening, we drove up to Roly Poly and my car was fine. Thank you so much, God!

Yesterday morning, I awoke with the tension headache from Hades. It finally subsided about 11:00 and thankfully so. My headaches are complete anguish. Nausea, senstivity to light and sound, and just genuninely painful. (Yes, I have migraines, too. This one, however, was only a tension headache, Thank God!)

This morning, I awoke at about 3:30 am, from one of the most bone-chilling dreams I'd ever had. Mike had committed suicide, in our bathtub, after finding out I was unfaithful. I screamed myself and Mike awake. He was wonderful. He held me and assured me that would never happen. Even though the dream had seemed real, that's all it was: a dream. He's right! I'd never be unfaithful. I love him too much.

I'm just worried about what may happen today. I hope it's just an easy, smooth-sailing Friday. I don't want anymore irritating excitement!