Friday, May 11, 2007

Another fun meme I stumbled across. Here's a link to the website:
Friday Fill-in, #20

1. It's FRIDAY! Woohoo!
2. Only 13 more days til the day before my 5th wedding anniversary.
3. It was Thursday yesterday! [ed. note: that was for Monique!]
4. I love my mother, Gea.
5. The lottery is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a gambler.
6. Mothers: are priceless.
7. I'd like to "cuddle" with my hubby and visit with our mothers this weekend.


Janet said...

ahhh, your 5th anniversary! What are you doing to celebrate?

Thanks for playing!

MommaBoo said...

I'm not sure. My hubby, Michael, has a "surprise" planned. I can hardly wait!

You bet they'll be a bunch of "snuggling" though! :)

MaR said...

Oh, an anniversary coming up!
I played for the first time too :)

Tina said...

Played for the first time, too. Hope to read more fill ins. ;-)

By the way, readed about a lot of anniversary. So your´s, too.

How do you wanna celebrate it?