Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fun for Jen!

I was surfing random blogs and happened upon this fun meme.

Thanks Angie!


1. Five words that best describe me are: moody, loving, dumpy, short and happy.
2. Other people most often say that I am: Goofy, cute and trigger-happy (with my camera, that is!)
3. The things I like most about myself are : my pretty eyes, my ability to laugh until I cry and my abiding love for children, animals and God's wonderful gifts.
4. What I want most to change about myself is: I wish I was able to get pregnant.
5. My body is: still recovering from my accident. I thank God it works so well, regardless.
6. I feel reasonably happy about: my marriage, 95%: of the time.
7. My sweatshirt slogan would say :The things I do for love" -Courage the Cowardly Dog
8. My epitaph would say : "At least she tried!"
9. Three people I most admire are: Jesus, Ghandi and Eli Wiesel. (In that order)

10. My educational background is : computer and administrativerative support-based, but I would've liked to have traveled across Europe and studied art.
11. My cultural background is: I am part Native America (from my Daddy) and European (from my Mommy).
12. My hobbies are: too many to list, here are a few: Scrapbooking, taking pictures, reading, knitting/crocheting, surfing the Internet, working on my blogs, being with loved ones, listening to music, playing with my kitty-cat, Cleo.
13. I spend most of my leisure time: on the computer or watching t.v.
14. The best movies I ever saw were: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, White Orlander, Donnie Darko, Walk the Line, Silence of the Lambs
15. The best books I ever read are: To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe.
16. The kinds of music I like best are: Classic Rock, Classical and some Punk.
17. Sports I enjoy most as a spectator are : football and as a participant:cuddling with my hubby (I'd win all the gold medals at this one!)
18. I normally sleep for about 8 hours when I don't have to work.
19. My favorite TV shows are: Courage the Cowardly Dog, Good Eats, Iron Chef America, American Justice, Seinfeld and CSI: Miami
20. My favorite kinds of food are: Italian, Mexican, Chinese and my Mommy's home cooking.
21. My favorite animals are: my hubby, cats and chihuahuas.
22. My Favorite Martian is: E.T. I'm not sure if he was a Martian, but he's my favorite alien!
23. Some examples of my favorite kinds of humor are: obsecure references to cool stuff and America's funniest stuff.
24. The most fun I ever had was when: I had a "giggle fit" with my pal Monica when we were 14. She spent the night with me and I laughed so hard I "tossed my cookies"!
25. When I want to have fun, I usually : SHOP!
26. The kinds of things I like to do best on a date are: see a movie, cuddle and feed the birds at the park.
27. I have a drink about every: 2 or 3 months.
28. My attitude toward using recreational drugs is: They're not good for ya. They have caused some pretty nasty situations. Besides, life's much more fun if you put effort into making it that way!
29. I get most of my physical exercise by: What's that? Oh! You mean like all the walking I do when I out shopping or snapping photos?
30. My favorite topic of conversation is: my family's history. Where we're from, How things used to be and look. And what my family has had to endure over the years. That's so fascinating to me.
31. The kinds of leisure activities I enjoy least are: Physical activities (I'm lazy!) and watching baseball (kinda boring to me).
32. I am afraid of: loosing a loved one. My ultimate fear.
33. Some of the most rewarding and enjoyable things I have ever done are: learning to walk, by myself, after my stroke, getting married, being in my parent's 30th Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony.
34. I feel most creative when I: am scrapbooking and "working with yarn".
35. Three things I want most to accomplish before I die are: having children, providing well for my family, financially, and having a relationship with my grandchildren.
36. The kind of place I dream of living in is: in a treehouse like the Swiss Family Robinson on one of the Hawaiian Islands.
37. The most interesting place I have traveled is: Atlanta, Georgia.
38. I would describe my job as: I am a housewife and I find it rewarding when I've done my job well (not very often).
39. If a genie appeared and granted me three wishes, I would ask for:the effects of my stroke to be eliminated ( slurred speech, vertigo, "slowness" of my left side, etc.), that my loved ones would be secure from now on (financially, physically, spiritually) and that Jesus would come and the new world would begin (I'm sick of the Devil ruling everything).
40. I would describe my life style as: plesant, happy and blessed more each day.
41. I would call the pace of my life: Life is fast, but I'm slow....go figure!
42. On a scale of 1 to 10, my neatness index is: 5? I think I'm right in the middle....on a good day (also, not very often).