Friday, March 28, 2008


Herb Peterson, who invented the Egg McMuffin, died peacefully at his home in Santa Barbara on Tuesday. He was 89.
Peterson came up with idea for the signature McDonald’s breakfast item in 1972. “He was very partial to eggs Benedict,” said a McDonald’s spokesperson, so Peterson worked on creating a similar meal.
Peterson began his career with McDonald’s as vice president of the company’s advertising firm, D’Arcy Advertising, in Chicago. He wrote McDonald’s first national advertising slogan, “Where Quality Starts Fresh Every Day,” and eventually became a franchisee.
Peterson is survived by his wife, son, and three daughters.

(Thanks to Cirus Hour for this info.)


Kwizgiver said...

*sniff* I love the egg mcmuffin!

Teena in Toronto said...

Can you believe I've never had an Egg McMuffin?!