Friday, August 24, 2007

(I'm "filling in" what I'm going through right now)

1. I see the computer screen. An LCD. Nice!

2. I hear the CPU running and the ticking of the clock in our foyer.

3. I touch the keys of "Mr. Computer-Head's" keyboard.

4. I taste water. I've started my daily drinkage already!

5. I smell the candle I have burning here on my desk. Clean Linen, I think.

6. I sense we're going to have a ball this weekend!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to "settling in" at our hotel in Atlanta, tomorrow my plans include touring Stone Mountain, seeing the sights, taking pics, etc. and Sunday, I want to get some rest from our weekend "get away"!


Special K ~Toni said...

Have a great time in Atlanta- my hometown! You will have a ball at Stone Mtn~ just hope it's not too hot and humid!

Have a safe trip!

Janet said...

Oh, have fun in Hotlanta! Thanks for playing :-)

Beckie said...

Have a great time in Atlanta!

I just read in our local newspaper that we might be getting Sonic - that is big news for this little berg.

Kwizgiver said...

I hope you have a great get-away! Hopefully "the hubby" is feeling better. :-)

qualcosa di bello said...

have TONS of fun...& bring us some pictures!! hope your hubby is feeling well for the adventure

buon weekend!