Tuesday, July 24, 2007

You witness a nonfatal car wreck, do you help (stop and/or call 911) or continue on? Of course I would stop, help AND call 911. I can't do alot, but maybe I could do SOMETHING!

You witness a robbery, do you help (stop and/or call 911) or continue on? I would call 911, of course! I don't think I'd stop unless someone was hurt, however. I am afraid, since I can't run, I wouldn't be much help.

You see a child who appears to be lost or hurt, do you help (stop and/or call 911) or continue on? I don't think I would approach the child. They may bolt or worse, the person they're with might hurt them more. I would, however, try to stay near by and call 911. Police might know what to do in this situation better than I.

You hear a person yelling for help, do you help (stop and/or call 911) or continue on? I would help, of course! I'm not very strong, but I would try my best. I would call 911 too, of course!

You see a fire in your neighborhood, do you help (stop and/or call 911) or continue on? I would try to help, but I would not attempt to inflict bodily harm on myself, unless there was a person trapped inside a burning home. I would call 911, of course!


Kwizgiver said...

The 911 operators will know us both very well. ;-)

Melanie said...

I'd call 911 in all of those situations as well. Some of them I would step in and help, others I would not. If there was something I could do, I would help but if not I'd stay out of the way.