Friday, June 08, 2007

Sonic Run in the pm

Last night, "The Hubby" and I drove to a local Sonic, here in town. We partook of the "free root beer float" summer kick-off.
Check out a news article from Oklahoma (where Sonic began), here:

Anyway, Mike got a root beer float, but said it was melted. Maybe we'll go back tonight and get one that isn't melted!


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm...root beer floaats are the most.
Jen I love how you listed my blogs in your sidebar.
Thanks for visiting.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Oh what I wouldn't give for even a root beer--no root beer in Italy :(

Hope you enjoyed one for me as well :)

Karina said...

We don't have Sonic around here in the East it like a McDonald's kind of fast food place?

I always love finding out about the local fast food joints. When I went out to Arizona years ago, everyone's goal was to eat at a Jack-in-the-Box, because again, we don't have any here! haha

Ingrid said...

I was looking for Foto Pherret's drinks and find root beer, lol !

Sparky Duck said...

I am still very jealous because you have Sonic and we dont