Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday Twosome for 5/15/07

*NOTE* On all questions, the way I react is with crying, pouting and being generally impossible to live with. I'm a spoiled, rotten brat that's grown up. Bless my family's, friend's and hubby's heart(s)!

Internet service, how do you react and what is the first thing you do? I usually whine and holler until my hubby fixes it. It's almost like cutting off my lifeline. It's sad.....

Electricity, how do you react and what is the first thing you do? If it's at night, I light a candle and let up the windows (if it's warm out) It's pretty much OK, if it's after, say, 5 or 6 o'clock PM! However, if it's in the daytime, I also freak out. No radio, no computer, no AC. I don't think so!

Cell Phone or home phone service, how do you react and what is the first thing you do? I have a cell phone only, no home service. When I don't have my phone, I get nervous! What if I get into trouble? How will I get some help? Am I paranoid?

Cable/Dish TV, how do you react and what is the first thing you do? Well, my hubby has already cut it off for financial reasons. It's a non-essential, unlike my Internet! I read a bunch now and, of course, blog up a storm.

Air Conditioning/Heat, how do you react and what is the first thing you do?
Heating isn't so bad, I can "bundle" up. Cooling is an entirely different matter! If the electricity is on, I crank up the fans, gobble up ice water, open the windows and cool off with cold water bath cloths. I cannot live without my AC and neither can anyone else. I'm irritating normally, but when I get hot, LOOK OUT!

Man, I really AM a spoiled, electronically dependent whiner. I really need to fix this....

Check out the Tuesday Twosome, here:



meowminx said...

Having no internet connection is like cutting off my right arm! I had to do without for a month before and ooh I didnt really speak to the hubby since it was his fault that it had to have a new motherboard putting in! O.o