Thursday, May 17, 2007
1. What do you think of this whole Opie and Anthony getting suspended thing? Do you think XM went too far? Why/why not?
Haven't heard the first thing about this. If it's like Imus I can't believe they weren't fired. I'll have to read up on the suspension and get back to you....hold on...
Well! I think they should be suspended! Violent sexual crime is no laughing matter. Would joking about it be so funny if a rape/beating occurred to say, their own mother, sister, wife, friend? Disgusting. Since when has it been considered "humorous" to make light of such a serious crime? Are we to sensitive? Maybe I am. I hate "gangsta rap" that belittles and berates women by referring to them as "hoes, bitches, etc.", too. It just generates negative images of women and THAT IS WRONG!
2. What do you think about people calling for Alberto Gonzales' resignation over the whole firing of U.S. attorneys thing? Do you think it's just more stupid crap that's going on politically, or does it signify something else? How so/how not?
I have a limited knowledge of this, too. Only what the "news" has allowed me to see/hear. I DO think it's "fishy" that all the U.S. Attorneys that were fired, posed a "threat" to the Republicans agenda. Face it folks! This @#$& happens everyday in politics. It's not pretty, but unfortunately, it's true.
I just want to end this stupid, senseless, oil-driven war. Enough innocent civilians have been killed and I just don't think our presence there is doing much good anymore. (But what do I know, right?)
3. What do you think about Tony Blair stepping down as Prime Minister? Does it matter to you? Do you think he got pushed?
I hate the fact that Prime Minister Blair is "stepping down". I believe this is political, too. Since Blair supports Bush's "noble" war, he has made a fool of his county (or so his people think). I think it does matter because not many people support Bush's "War on Terror", including me!, so whenever a supporter of his leaves, I'm sure it's a big deal. Yes, I do believe Blair was "pushed".
I don't want to sound un-American. I'm not! I love our country. I love our people, ALL of them. Especially the soilders that have been"forced" to fight in a "war" that will never end. Let's face it, there will always be "terror" in the world. I believe the terror the middle-Easterners feel now is from us, not necessarily their own.
Like I have said, I have a very limited knowledge of the preceding news bits. I do feel strongly about the war, from the limited knowledge I have.
I hope I've not offended anyone who reads this. If I have, comment me and let me know. I believe that my blog is an outlet...even if what I say is dumb sometimes.
Whoa! 3x Thursday got me all riled up today. Check 'em out here:
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